Maggie's Musings


Maggie's Body Declares Mutiny

I suppose it had to happen at some point. I've been stressed out for over a month now with all the work stuff and car stuff so my body has quit. I took my first sick day ever. I've been working at this job for coming up 3 years now and this was the first one. I suppose that's a good thing. I really shouldn't have even gone in yesterday but I did.

Took back the evil rental car today. Stupid Toyota Echo... the Yaris is the new model of the Echo so that's not an option for my new car. I think I've settled on the Honda Fit. It's brand new - not even allowed to be sold until April, which is tomorrow. Talked to the dealer dude yesterday and of course he liked it - it's his company but from everything I've read and heard, it's a gonna be good. I was worried that it would be like a Matrix but apparently it's the size of a Yaris so that's happy. Small and sporty is good. Big and station wagony not so much.

I think I totally threw the salesman off with my almost equal knowledge of the car. He started by pointing out the colour options to me. Of course, because I'm a girl, that's all I care about. I stunned him when I cut him off by pointing at the hideous orange colour and said "That colours only available in the Sport model, correct?" His response "you have done you're homework haven't you!" and proceeded to tell me about the engine and the mechanics of the car. Yay! I'm on the appointment list to test drive one as soon as they get them on the lot which should be any day now. I can't wait!!!


Begin Sick Stinks

It's finally happened. My body has declared a mutany on me and it is now sick. I think it's the stress of everything combined with me not getting sick before when everyone else had that really horrible flu thing. I haven't got a voice and I'm coughing. I'm not stuffed but have the biggest head ache ever. It's kinda hard to teach when you can't talk. It's kinda hard to sing when you can't talk as well.

Got some pics of Emma's final state to share. I have decided to take the claim money and put a down payment on a new car. Not a new to me car but an actually new car. Suggestions welcome.


CSI isn't real life? No way!?

This was the oddest day yet. Call came from the appraiser today saying that there were a lot of personal belonging in the car and that in the seats actually were there. Called the towing company who has Emma and he said the same thing and that the engine and battery were still there. Battery is usually the first thing they take if they're screwing around under the hood so he thought it was a good sign that that hadn't happened.

Dad and I drove down in the afternoon after an intense paddling session (I feel like a beginner again - we were learning how to 'really' paddle) and lunch on the run. I was so stoked about the stuff possibly being there that I really was on a high.

Got there and yup - my stuff and Rashy's stuff was strewn throughout the car - but no seats, wheels or stereo. They left all the speakers (attempted the door speakers then gave up), rummaged through out belongings and from what I can figure - they ended up taking the camera, the pickle from Rashy's lunch, the Guinness (drank the wine and left the bottle and all the empties), Rashy's backpack with rainjacket and Nalgene bottle, my work keys, sunglasses and prescription glasses. I'm really not impressed at all.

I was a little ticked that the RCMP didn't even attempt to finger print and that they had reported that none of my belonging were in the car. Since that was such an obvious mistake I wanted to ask them again if they could try to finger print.
Mistake #1: thinking that they would be helpful.
Mistake #2: asking a question about procedures
Mistake #3: thinking that I had a right to know

We drove to the RCMP Detachment and I asked if there had been any pictures taken.
(not exact quotes but pretty darn close)
"umm.... why?"
"Do you have any training as an RCMP officer?"
"We don't take pictures of recovered vehicles."
"I was wondering b/c there were obviously some mistakes made in this report and I thought if there were some pictures I could see something about how it was found." (giving me some indication of the condition of the undercarriage)
"I'll check you're file" (which means, I'll read exactly what the file says and not help you)
I'm crying by this point - that 'I'm not going to blubber in front of you but you're making me really upset and frustrated here - tear down the cheek cry)
File is read to me.
I ask about the apparently wet car b/c there was a lot of dry stuff and that was the reason i was told they couldn't ID b/c it was wet.

"We don't fingerprint stolen cars b/c it is too hard to get prints of high traffic areas like gear shifts."
Asked again about pictures thinking that my theory of the closed driver side door which was the reason for the unwet stuff could then be proven.
"We don't take picture."
I pause - try and breathe. "I'm not trying to be confrontational, I was just asking a question."
"But you are being confrontational. The officer that wrote this file is very competent and you are trying to say that they are not."
I leave - get in car and cry.

Driving home the cell rings. Its the officer I spoke to 30 minutes before... she says that the info she'd given me about the officer who wrote my report was incorrect - they would not be back tomorrow as they are on holiday. I told her that what she had said to me before really upset me. She asked if I understood that what real police officers do is different that what I'd see on TV shows like CSI. I said of course I knew that and that I was only asking b/c I'm unfamiliar with how these things are done not having ever experienced it before. (it took some time to get that out since I was bawling again... she couldn't say anything and neither could I. She asked if there was anyone with me and if she could speak with them. Dad took the phone and spoke to her. I got it back and she apologized to me. I said that she'd made me feel like the criminal for asking questions and she said she takes full responsibility for that and that she shouldn't have done that since I have gone through a lot. Blah blah blah.

Question: If a victim is asking questions in a polite manner yet obviously upset (crying) but not yelling, cursing etc... are police officers trained to still treat the person as if they were an idiot and make them feel worse? I'm hoping that the answer is no. And to think I thought seriously for a while about becoming a member of the RCMP.


Emma's Been Found

Likalia was right. Bad things do happen in threes.

I got the call at work on Thursday that Emma had been found on a dirt road in the middle of no where missing her wheels, seats, stereo and all my stuff (even Rashy's camera). Now I have to deal with the idiotic insurance man who's been talking down to me ever since day one. BAH! It's not looking good at this point. They haven't assessed her yet and apparently won't even start her engine to see if she runs because she "was in the hands of thieves for over two weeks and who knows how they drove" her. I interrupted him with "no.. it hasn't even been a week yet" but apparently that just made him even more condescending. Jerk.

So Rashy's accident was the first thing. Emma's disappearance was the second and now Bjorn (Nibski's Volvo) is on the way out. Rashy's got a rental, Nibski got one yesterday and I'm getting one tomorrow. *Sigh*

On a happier note - I took a group of kids out Dragon Boating in the pouring rain today and they totally loved it! They were thrilled to be getting wet just standing in the parking lot getting their paddles and life jackets. Going on the boat was a bonus apparently so yay for that. Some even asked if we had a team at school - sounds like they'd actually like to do this more often which is neat especially since it was coming from some usually really meek kids who aren't involved in sports in any way at school or in the community. This may be something they'd enjoy. One said "This is a sport where you don't have to run. I like that!" I thought that was perfectly stated.


Officially Angry!

Fine - steal my car, my personal belonging but do not, I repeat DO NOT prevent me from doing my job. My work keys were in the car. I got a new set of keys and the for-once-in-a-lifetime efficient school board has rekeyed the school for fear that my keys were marked in some way that would ID where they were from. Well - they weren't and I told them that but apparently, that wasn't good enough. I'm really hoping that I'm just being a complete idiot and they didn't rekey the entire school because now these bastards have not only screwed up my life but have made things really messed for all my co-workers and my employer. I'm so PLEASED right now. SO PLEASED!

Not only is a pain in the ass that I have report cards to do over the spring break but now I can't even get them done! I've been working and working at home, marking and writing out comments so I just have to cut and paste them into the grading program but now I can't complete the most important part (actually entering the marks and comments) because I can't get into the school to do the job! Report Cards are due tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. and that sure isn't happening. I am soooooo pleased night now. SO PLEASED!

If you didn't sense the sarcasm - why are you allowed to breathe the same air I am?


Mocha and Sympathy

First a HUGE thank you to Tweek and Weasel for their pictures of Emma. Tweek actually had taken a picture of her so I'm happy to have that now. The paddling crew was very sympathetic. Some of them had had vehicles stolen and we commiserated together. The RCMP officer on our boat told me a recent story of a man who got his car back with new detailing done so it was in better condition that when he lost it! Chances of that for me - slim to none.

My boss called this morning as well, which was quite nice. "Sounds like you've been having a couple of weeks of hell! Maybe you should just throw yourself in front of a bus now and get it over with." To which I laughed of course because it's true - what else can go wrong? I know that's a scary question. Likalia is convinced that bad things happen in threes and since Rashy's truck was t-boned a couple of weeks ago and now Emma's been stolen she's just waiting for the final event of doom. Ever the optimist my friends.


Emma Carr: now missing for 29 hours

It's weird now - the whole 'not having a car' thing since it hits me at the strangest times. Those time being the ones when I'm not actually in a car but instead sitting somewhere with friends discussing things that have nothing to do with vehicles of any kind.

Tonight - being St. Patrick's Day - Rashy, Yipper, Likalia and I went to a local pub. We sat around drinking and having girly talk time and then at one point Rashy asked me what I was thinking about since I had just kinda stopped being a part of the conversation. I didn't want to tell her the truth so I didn't and in fact, I never did have to tell her what I had been thinking about which was of course about Emma and other things related to her because someone came up to the table and started talking to her. Yay for random interruptions!

My tongue is green. I've never had green beer before but it was mighty fine. Even on our vacation I didn't have this extent of a buzz. Meh - it would have been lost on the company anyway.

Found out that I have full coverage with my insurance so that's all good in a twisted sorta way. I spent my day waiting for the phone to ring, text messaging with people about the car and my state of mind and avoiding the piles of work I'm suppose to be doing before work begins again on Monday. Call me crazy but I think there are more pressing issues in my mind right now than marking some kids practice record or adjudication form from a festival he didn't care about! Okay, you're right - I'm crazy either way - but that's why you love me, yes?


Missing: one red Emma car

It's spring break and I was returning from a lovely mini holiday to Salt Spring Island with friends. We had a great time with all the hiking, boating, reading, board gaming and as usual - plenty of eating! Rashy and I had just dropped Nibski at his mom's and were doing a little shopping in the mall before returning home. We were in the mall for about 1h15min when we returned to the now empty parking spot where Emma had last been seen.

Emma is gone. Emma contained all our stuff from the last few days including a 1/4 bottle of wine, 5 Guinness, Super and Regular Scrabble, the official scrabble dictionary, my basically new lifejacket, my wear-everyday-clogs, Rashy's books, my new book (i never buy fiction but I had while away and had read a fair bit!), and as I just discovered, my work keys were also in the car. Yup... the list goes on and on and on - not including, of course, the stereo, cds, cd changer etc. etc.

Maggie is not amused.

We called the police and filed a report. They recommended we call all the pawn shops so they'd have a flag on some stuff if it were to show. (I described Rashy's camera - they said they wouldn't take it anyway because it takes film! HA!) I called the ferries so they'd have the description. They faxed it to all the terminals which was nice. I contacted the insurance people. We got to ride in a police car to Nibski's mom's house and waited there until my mom picked us up and drove us home...

What's irritating is all the stupid crap that was in there that is totally replaceable but still - now i have to replace it.. or not.. and I have to go to work tomorrow and finish report cards which are due Monday morning (some spring break I've getting).

I just realized... I never took a picture of Emma. That's sad.


Hello. My name is Maggie, and I have a problem

Yes... I am an addict. A wildberry licorice addict. Not the nibs or the regular sized licorice but those big fatty ones that have a bunch of holes running the length of them so if you were to say... have a drink of Pepsi you could use it as a really big straw.

I am so much of an addict, I just drove to the corner store during a commercial to get some because I knew that nothing else would quench that craving.

Thankfully, I'm not a smoker.


Story time cometh

Oh, the many stories from the adventures of the past 3 days. They will be presented to you....all in due time. Right now, I must go to bed; however, the fact that I just ate a bunch of potato chips at this late hour is not really going to help that whole needing to sleep thing. Totally uncharacteristic of me as well to chow down at night like that. I'll be paying for that mistake for many a future... distant future.... work out.

Stay tuned.


The Trek Begins

I leave tomorrow morning with my other little darlings for another trip; this time it's a two nighter which will really be a one nighter and an all nighter. I'm starting to worry about things like falling off the side of the mountain as we make our trek through the heart of the Rockies and then I think, I cannot control any of that so why the hell should I even think about it. I cannot control nature. I must repeat that over and over again - I cannot control nature.

I checked the Weather Network and the roads are clear. I checked the forecast - only a slight chance of a shower. I rechecked all our reservations, packed multiple pairs of mittens and scarves, bought breakfast bars for kids who can't afford food (there are a couple who I will be paying for the whole time - such is the way in my 'hood), packed another sweater just in case and the list goes on.

At this rate, I don't need to be a parent. I'm already a freak as it is - why go through the pain and agony of having my own children when I'm already insanely worried about other people's children?


Mark this day down in the history books

*deeeeeep breath* Brace yourselves... this is big news.

Today... I got a cell phone. I KNOW! ME! I have joined the rest of the lemmings and have a cell phone. It was going to happen before the summer anyway and this was a perfect time to get that done and to help out a friend in need who had been saddled with an extra cell phone after a very bad break up.

It's tiny. It doesn't flip. It's silvery-grey. It's a Motorola C370 that I will make do with for now. Considering how often I actually would be using it I'm sure it'll serve my purposes just fine. Transferring info was a bitch. We were in a pub on his cell and the loser on the other end woold not speak clearly. It was if he had a baby sleeping on his shoulder he didn't want to disturb. We were an hour past closing time when I finally got off the phone with him. The waitress was wondering what the hell was happening. She thought I was 'having a moment' because I was all hunched over while the others were talking and laughing. She soon caught on that they were waiting for me while Rashy kept saying "How long can this take!?" at the most inopportune times so I would have to get the little dude to repeat what he'd mumbled yet again which delayed the departure yet again. I didn't get to ask the little man about changing phones (this is on a contract) or changing the number or anything. I'll have to wait. *Sigh* We'll see if I can handle the pressure.


Low moral/bitch fest

I'll start with a disclaimer... I just got back from an overnight band trip that was followed immediately by a 2.5 hour choir rehearsal with a clinician who wanted us to be 'free' therefore move our bodies all over the place while we sing. (you can image how that went over)

I am drained. You should, in theory, come back from a trip like this motivated and energized (not physically of course) and want to do so much more with your group and blah blah blah but not so much right now. There were only 20 of them. One decided the morning of that he didn't want to come. I had to phone him at home to figure out where the hell he was. He had learned the bass drum part for our March - now we were screwed. So I taught a very keen flute. There were three on the trip that I could have totally done without... not musically for two of them but in every other way - not needed at all. It's true that one sour grape will spoil the bunch and in this case was three poor attitudes that just sucked all my energy and made me not want to do anything for them.

Sure - they're young but there is something called RESPECT and SELF CONTROL and just plain SPORTSMANSHIP. I'm sick of hearing "I'm gunna quit" from the same two and then in the next sentence hear "just kidding" with a brush of the hand in the air and a quickly little "I'm only saying j.k. so you think I'm j.k but really I'm serious" smirk which is hard to take time and time and time and time again. My other personal UNfavourite is "Can i get changed now" 20 times.. I'm not kidding 20 f**king times in a row from the same person. Okay - fine. They're not the most attractive sweaters but get a grip!

It is all my fault that I'm feeling so dejected and just not caring and thinking that I'm a terrible teacher and all that because of the comments of the minority. (and the "well, no one's signing up for band next year anyway" is another gooder to hear on a trip.. yes, I did all this planning because it's FUN for ME!... i don't think so). If I were a confident and mature person, I would just let all the negativity roll of my back and not give a rat's ass what happens to the music program at my school but I'm not confident or mature in my teacher skills yet so I do take things to heart, especially when it's my job and basically my passion on the line. If I don't have kids in my classes, I have failed because the message is clear that we don't want to be here so we're choosing not to. You don't have that problem in real subjects. (yes this is a bitch fest - deal with it)

What's the worst part? These kids are talented. There are good. They are musical. They just don't care and I am taking up the slack for them in that department when I guess I need to be hard hearted. If I wasn't a wimp - I would just move but is that gonna happen any day soon? Nope. So until the next millennium when I may move, I'll just sit here and wonder what my potential as a teacher could be if I could spark the kids enough so that they want to play. I don't think I'll get to that point before term ends and they are finished with my class considering that's two classes away.

As the kids would say "Whatever... get over it. Just Kidding...Chill out man."