Story time cometh
Oh, the many stories from the adventures of the past 3 days. They will be presented to you....all in due time. Right now, I must go to bed; however, the fact that I just ate a bunch of potato chips at this late hour is not really going to help that whole needing to sleep thing. Totally uncharacteristic of me as well to chow down at night like that. I'll be paying for that mistake for many a future... distant future.... work out.
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned.
Oooh, do we get milk and cookies with story time???
Likalia, at 10/3/06 10:16 a.m.
And a nice cozy fire?? I think that would go well with a story and milk and cookies.
Indigo Eve, at 10/3/06 2:12 p.m.
I can't have milk :( I'm lactose intolerant, I'll partake in those cookies though :)
spankosaur, at 10/3/06 6:44 p.m.
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