Maggie's Musings


Another tiny milestone...feels like a kidney stone

Term 1 ended leaving us feeling like we've been hit by a truck - multiple times. The truck will continue to run over us for the next year and we know it. It will be the longest, most stressful, and likely rewarding year. We are starting to understand what this being a master student thing is all about and frankly - it's scary. It's a lot of responsibility and 'thinking outside the box' and all that crap that those other people are suppose to be doing. I do not consider myself one of those other people... yet. I'm not sure if I ever will.

There have been a few times now that I've questioned my readiness for such an undertaking and so far I haven't come up with any really good answers. I've come up with the usual I'm _______ to be doing this List which includes such fill in the blank-ers as young, tired, inexperienced, unready, average, ill-equipped, stupid... the list goes on and on. I won't fail but it's going to be mighty uncomfortable for the next while - as it has been this month and will only get more so this coming month - which starts tomorrow for me. Oy. Thinking is hard.

There will be a reprieve eventually - Hey! July 2008! Are you listening!? I need you here now!


Necessary Evils

Apologies to those extremely few people who read this blog. I have moved - temporarily and have nothing but work to do in every waking hour. A relaxing summer it will not be, but I'm tough... so far. Predictions from a fellow classmate - people will start to break in the last week of July and I'm thinking he's correct. We have 4 assignments due that week and they're all major. The necessary evils aren't many but they are:
  • sleep (takes up too much time but damn.. it feels good).
  • sitting on my ass (can't really type while walking)
  • drinking coffee - and here's the kicker... it's Starbucks coffee
Okay okay... those of you saying "but you bought real coffee when you were at home last weekend" must understand that all three of these necessary evils are related. In order to fend off the sleep, coffee is required. In order to make myself get off my ass and not look at the computer screen, I need to walk. Where shall I walk to so that my walk will have a purpose because if the only purpose is walking for walking's sake, I'll feel like I'm wasting time so to thwart that idea I walk to the Starbucks at the bottom of the hill therefore killing all three of the necessary evils in one smooth move. Clever? I think so.