Maggie's Musings


Hello. My name is Maggie, and I have a problem

Yes... I am an addict. A wildberry licorice addict. Not the nibs or the regular sized licorice but those big fatty ones that have a bunch of holes running the length of them so if you were to say... have a drink of Pepsi you could use it as a really big straw.

I am so much of an addict, I just drove to the corner store during a commercial to get some because I knew that nothing else would quench that craving.

Thankfully, I'm not a smoker.


  • Hello Maggie, My name is Spanky. I too have a problem. I'm addicted to strawberry flavored twizzlers. Everytime I go the movie theatre I simply must have a bag of twizzlers.... mmmmmmm twizzlers...

    By Blogger spankosaur, at 14/3/06 8:42 a.m.  

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