Missing: one red Emma car
It's spring break and I was returning from a lovely mini holiday to Salt Spring Island with friends. We had a great time with all the hiking, boating, reading, board gaming and as usual - plenty of eating! Rashy and I had just dropped Nibski at his mom's and were doing a little shopping in the mall before returning home. We were in the mall for about 1h15min when we returned to the now empty parking spot where Emma had last been seen.
Emma is gone. Emma contained all our stuff from the last few days including a 1/4 bottle of wine, 5 Guinness, Super and Regular Scrabble, the official scrabble dictionary, my basically new lifejacket, my wear-everyday-clogs, Rashy's books, my new book (i never buy fiction but I had while away and had read a fair bit!), and as I just discovered, my work keys were also in the car. Yup... the list goes on and on and on - not including, of course, the stereo, cds, cd changer etc. etc.
Maggie is not amused.
We called the police and filed a report. They recommended we call all the pawn shops so they'd have a flag on some stuff if it were to show. (I described Rashy's camera - they said they wouldn't take it anyway because it takes film! HA!) I called the ferries so they'd have the description. They faxed it to all the terminals which was nice. I contacted the insurance people. We got to ride in a police car to Nibski's mom's house and waited there until my mom picked us up and drove us home...
What's irritating is all the stupid crap that was in there that is totally replaceable but still - now i have to replace it.. or not.. and I have to go to work tomorrow and finish report cards which are due Monday morning (some spring break I've getting).
I just realized... I never took a picture of Emma. That's sad.
Emma is gone. Emma contained all our stuff from the last few days including a 1/4 bottle of wine, 5 Guinness, Super and Regular Scrabble, the official scrabble dictionary, my basically new lifejacket, my wear-everyday-clogs, Rashy's books, my new book (i never buy fiction but I had while away and had read a fair bit!), and as I just discovered, my work keys were also in the car. Yup... the list goes on and on and on - not including, of course, the stereo, cds, cd changer etc. etc.
Maggie is not amused.
We called the police and filed a report. They recommended we call all the pawn shops so they'd have a flag on some stuff if it were to show. (I described Rashy's camera - they said they wouldn't take it anyway because it takes film! HA!) I called the ferries so they'd have the description. They faxed it to all the terminals which was nice. I contacted the insurance people. We got to ride in a police car to Nibski's mom's house and waited there until my mom picked us up and drove us home...
What's irritating is all the stupid crap that was in there that is totally replaceable but still - now i have to replace it.. or not.. and I have to go to work tomorrow and finish report cards which are due Monday morning (some spring break I've getting).
I just realized... I never took a picture of Emma. That's sad.
OH MY GOD!!!! I am in shock!! I can't believe I am first hearing about this on your blog!!!
(This is what cell phones are for, so you can text message crazy messages about stolen cars, so that we don't have to read about it with the rest of the internet.)
I can't believe someone stole your car though, this world sucks! Poor Emma must be so scared!
The film camera thing is so true, nobody pawns those anymore...:) Poor Rashy, Poor Maggie, SUCKY Spring Break Ending! :(
Likalia, at 17/3/06 8:29 a.m.
I'm also in shock. That's about the only word that comes close to describing it. I mean, I thought I was having a crappy week, but my week doesn't even come close to that. :( I really hope they find Emma soon, and that's she's alright. *BIG HUGS* Maggie.
spankosaur, at 17/3/06 9:05 a.m.
OR Maybe you did text message me, only because I was in BED and had the sound on my cell turned off I didnt hear it.
My Bad! :) I didn't see the phone blinking until I took out my wallet to pay for something.
*huge hugs again*
Likalia, at 17/3/06 10:01 a.m.
Yeah, that really REALLY bites. I can't imagine how violated I would feel if somebody stole my car. I'm still wishing a painful death to whoever did it.
Ryan Steele, at 17/3/06 3:47 p.m.
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