Maggie's Musings


I'm being called...

I'm in the process of signing up for another conducting workshop/session/camp/thingy this coming summer and am so excited about it! It's only a week long and it's about a completely different style of conducting that I've only dabbled in once or twice but I'm really, really looking forward to the experience... if I get in. Apparently, they fill up quickly so I'm hoping that they'll take my money.

I was having a fairly typical 'band geek' talk with a friend tonight and it was great to once again get a like minded perspective on techniques and philosophies and at the same time totally bash one another for our incredibly high reading on the geekitude scale. I miss that. I need that. Yup, I'm kinda sick... or just super passionate about the (dare I say it) 'craft.' I guess I can't really be all that snobbish and serious about 'the craft' if I have to put the words 'the craft' in quotation marks meaning that I'm making fun of the seriousness of 'the craft.'

*phhhhttt* whatever! Doesn't it take a total geek to make fun of total geeks in order to cancel out the geekiness of the total geekiness - OR - does it just compound the geekitude factor thus creating a never ending spiral of geekiness that inevitably leads to the demise of all geeks?

I think I need to go to bed. Reports Cards await me tomorrow... stupid administrative duties...


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