Maggie's Musings


Stupid bugs

You’d think it would be a fabulouso day yesterday since it was Friday but not so much for Maggie. Morning was alright – even though I thought I was late for work but in reality I was an hour early. Then at noon – seriously, I looked at the clock – I got the bug that’s been going around.

Thankfully, it only lasted 12 hours but damn talk about a killer head ache, stuffed up and just achy all over. You’d think the big cheque I got to pick up would be something positive for the “I feel like crap” afternoon but not really since when I picked it up I ran into someone that recently has been making me irritated. Bah.

And stupid me, when I’m sick, I want crappy food so I ate cookie dough. Not the smarted thing but whatever, I’m better today and have been productive with the cleaning, vacuuming, and laundry thus far. Not bad. I should get sick more often.


Unfortunately, timing IS everything

My luck stinks - well, maybe it's not my luck but my timing. I think either I born too early or too late.

For as long as I can recall, my ability to participate in travel has been off by at least a year. As far back as grade 5 this has happened. We were suppose to go on some overnight field trip that they do every year with the grade 5 class but our year was the one they skipped. Then in grade 7, same thing.

Skip ahead a decade and a bit and we find a similar situation. Friends that are travelling while I'm doing other stuff. Three years ago it was Russia, last year it was Newfoundland, this coming year - Prague. Now I know that I'll get to see all the pictures and hear all the fabulouso stories but I really REALLY do not what to hear all the planning and excitement leading up to the event because that's the killer part for me; however, as it was so kindly pointed out to me tonight when I was told that Nibski has agreed to go for sure, it was my choice to do my masters degree now so I can't really complain. Well screw that! I'm going to complain all I like, thank you very much! Consider this the first official complaint and expect more to follow.


Am I Bi Polar?

What's wrong with me? I know, loaded question.

I was totally happy today - first day went well, granted it's still the honeymoon phase but I'll take it for now. Get home... doing nothing... just about to start on some work and the phone rings. Now, I was expecting a call but I wasn't expecting it at 9. So I go to the viewing of the pictures I requested (I had the pictures, I so kinda had to be there). Then the work talk starts... and how everyone is all happy with their new wages and their gardens and their trips and their kitchens and their this and that and how... oh, is this a bad time to tell you, Maggie, that you owe me money? You know, right after you just made the comment about having no work this year and how your program that you've worked so hard for over the past three is quickly disintegrating before your eyes and it's a totally demoralizing you but - ya... you owe me some cash... sorry.

That's 2 good evenings in a row totally ruined because I have let comments people have made get to me. Maybe it's the full moon that I'm hyper sensitive, I don't know... but I think I need to hole up for a while and not interact. I wanted to sign up for all this stuff on staff because I'd be into it and want to do and then reality set in that no - I'm not there so I won't be able to do these things. I feel like I'm being punished for something even though I know it's not the case. How does one involve themselves and yet uninvolve themselves at the same time?


New Meaning to a Name

I went shopping today - specifically for bras... I suppose it could be fun... if I were rich and were average. I'm not average in this particular department so selection is limited and not all that cheap. I was also in the market for a sports bra. Purchased two of that variety and one of the every day sort.

Aren't Sports Bras suppose be worn FOR a workout and not BE the work out? Holy crap! I wonder if my experience with this bra is anything like what a very large cat would experience trying to get into one of those really really tiny cat doors? I thought I was going to pull my shoulder out of its socket trying to get this thing on! It was a pull over thingy - that felt great once it was on - but omigod! The actual putting-it-on process was a work out in itself! I seriously thought at some point I was going to have to call someone in to help me get either in or out because I was half of each. That would have been a sight!

"Um... excuse me? Hello?..."
"What can I help you with, dear?"
"I'm... um... kinda stuck... "
"Ya... can you help me?" pulls curtain back. Store lady sees me with my arms over my head in a quasi 3m tower diver pose entangled in the killer sports bra. Much struggling, jiggling, and laughter ensues. I purchase bra.

Well, except for that whole dialogue and the woman helping me, that was pretty much the situation behind the curtain in my own private hell of sports bra land. I'd advice against it.