Maggie's Musings


Shoes? Again? Really?

Shoes. Yup... I ended up at shoes. It really shouldn't be a shock but it's been a while since I went on an Internet quest for one thing and ended up at shoes.

It started innocently enough by comparing mattress prices but then the clicking began and I found myself looking at some of the usual suspects like Nine West, Steve Madden, and Marc Jacobs.

The chain of events:
  1. mattress
  2. bedding
  3. workout wear
  4. work wear
  5. evening wear
  6. shoes

Not such a crazy jump once you look at it - I suppose it's like the whole 6 degrees of separation but still... I ended up at shoes once again, and envisioning the possibilities that my wardrobe has now that I've recently created a lot of free space (in the form of 3 large bags of unwanted clothes... haven't yet done the shoes and weird other stuff).



  • Hehe, you will Always end up at shoes... ;)

    I'm very impressed with your 3 bags of clothing and I challenge you to beat my 9 pairs of shoes!

    By Blogger Indigo Eve, at 29/7/08 11:05 a.m.  

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