Mocha and Sympathy

First a HUGE thank you to Tweek and Weasel for their pictures of Emma. Tweek actually had taken a picture of her so I'm happy to have that now. The paddling crew was very sympathetic. Some of them had had vehicles stolen and we commiserated together. The RCMP officer on our boat told me a recent story of a man who got his car back with new detailing done so it was in better condition that when he lost it! Chances of that for me - slim to none.
My boss called this morning as well, which was quite nice. "Sounds like you've been having a couple of weeks of hell! Maybe you should just throw yourself in front of a bus now and get it over with." To which I laughed of course because it's true - what else can go wrong? I know that's a scary question. Likalia is convinced that bad things happen in threes and since Rashy's truck was t-boned a couple of weeks ago and now Emma's been stolen she's just waiting for the final event of doom. Ever the optimist my friends.
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