Begin Sick Stinks

It's finally happened. My body has declared a mutany on me and it is now sick. I think it's the stress of everything combined with me not getting sick before when everyone else had that really horrible flu thing. I haven't got a voice and I'm coughing. I'm not stuffed but have the biggest head ache ever. It's kinda hard to teach when you can't talk. It's kinda hard to sing when you can't talk as well.
Got some pics of Emma's final state to share. I have decided to take the claim money and put a down payment on a new car. Not a new to me car but an actually new car. Suggestions welcome.
Aw, poor Emma. That's pretty exciting about getting a new car though! I think the Toyota Yaris is totally you.
Ryan Steele, at 30/3/06 10:54 a.m.
EW!! Ryan!! NO!!
She has to get another Honda, there is no other alternative!
Likalia, at 30/3/06 11:38 a.m.
Well, The Toyota's, maybe not the Yaris, but any of them are a good buy and very durable. Honda's are good too :) I'm very partial to VW, but that's just me ;)
spankosaur, at 31/3/06 4:31 a.m.
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