Maggie's Musings


50th Post isn't Here!

Posted on Likalia's site today instead of my own - weird, yes. Good reason? Nope. Just one of those things. I suppose I could add the fact that I watched Oprah today and cried. Why does that show always make me cry!? It was about her "Angel Lane" creation - homes for Katrina victims. Maybe I really am a softy... DAMN! There goes that cover.


Paddle for Puddle

Did the kayaking thing tonight - twas good. Indigo Eve, Likalia, my dad, and I went out for just about an hour. It was getting dark and even though we hadn't used up our time - it was time to dock.

Not sure about the being back at home thing. It's all a mish-mash of various feelings regarding my job, my living arrangements, my goals - you know - all little minor things that don't weight heavily on the mind at all....riiiiight.

Going to go into work tomorrow. That's going to be thrilling I'm sure. I'm under strict instructions from Nibski to only go in for the allotted time that I'm actually under contract; however, we all know that he was wasting his breath. Nice effort but totally futile.


Sleep and TV

I have returned, back from a summer of torture and strain. I do wonder why I do this to myself. The friends say that it's silly. Mind you, two of those friends have been through the same experience and one is looking to start his own experience next summer so what gives? Weird.

I slept a lot today... and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT! If I were to compare ordinary sleep patterns of anyone other than me to me this summer, the other people would have been sleeping A LOT but I'm talking about comparing today's sleep to what ordinary people. I learned how to function (not well) on an average of 3-6 hours of sleep a night with the occasional sleep in (until maybe 9) on Saturdays. Last night I went to bed at midnight and got up today at 9 am. Pretty good! But then I totally crashed at 1:30. I mean CRASHED! I slept until 5:30 and the only reason I got up was the fact that I had to pee and was hungry. Now, I'm awake and feeling like the day is just beginning and it's a quarter to 8 pm.

I better ditch this screwed up sleeping pattern fast or I'm going to be totally toasted come September.

TV: TV sucks. I haven't watched TV these past two months so I did tonight and man was I bored and totally disappointed. It use to be something that I'd do all the time but now it's totally boring to me. That's a good thing but now it means I need to find something else to fill my time with ... exercise? *sigh*


IPMS (Insanity Prevention for Masters Students)

Tonight we had an IPMS party at Doc's house. I love Doc. He's been here - he knows what we're doing and how hellish it is at this point. So we got an invitation to his house complete with picture of Trogdor and Strongbad! Love it! Almost everyone was there and those that weren't - good. I don't like them anyway! I can say that b/c they don't know the difference between a computer and their own ass so I'm thinking the chances that they'll find this are fairly slim.

I think my body is shutting down. In fact, I'm almost convinced. And if it were me I was abusing - I'd shut down too... wait.. it is me that I'm abusing.... interesting. I don't consider myself to be my body - does anyone else do that? Detach themselves like that - as if they were not their body but it were just a housing device in which you live? Weird.

Anyway.. I had eczema like... um... 6-7 years ago? and now it's back... and not going away. And it's killing me. Apparently it goes in cycles of sorts and now it's decided to return and NOT LEAVE so i'm thrilled. I've also been getting no sleep. Thursday night - more accurately Friday morning - I got 2.5 hours then did my presentation and handed in a paper (got an A- for pulling that one outta my ass). Then we worked all weekend! Seriously - ALL WEEKEND! There was no break except dinner. That was it! Sunday - or Monday morning - I got to bed at 4:30 and was up at 7:10ish and didn't get to bed until 1 am. I think that's kinda unhealthy but what do I know? I've never been one to fall asleep at my desk but I have almost done that last night and then again tonight.

That may be a sign to turn off the computer and get some sleep and say "Screw it!" to all the other stuff I need to do for tomorrow.
"Hey stuff - SCREW YOU!"