Scorpio (Nibski)
You're a hot and sexy sign, and this month your hot and sexy past is back to haunt you! A lot of stuff that used to be below the radar is right up there with on the big screen! (Ooops. Busted!) People you forgot about are suddenly calling or bumping into you. (Don't you wish you had been a bit more discriminating?) Ah, the travils and embarrassments of recreational sex. (I know whereof I speak.) Creative projects are also stalled in the water. ("Dear Lord, help me make this dealin.") Parents might even reconnect with lost children. "Mom, is that you? You've changed since I was a baby." Time to pay old gambling detbs. It's all a bit much. (You can run but you can't hide.)
This one wasn't as funny - but it was still okay.
Taurus (Rashy and I)
... Conservative Taurus wear[s] purple in their old age. You eventually become a flamboyant Leo! (Yes, the great sex never stops and your romantic soul lives forever.) Kinda nice, eh? Friends from the past are definately back in your life. Someone might owe you money - this could be your moment to collect. It's a good thing to talk to others about your dreams and hopes for the future. Do an overall assessment of your long-range plans. Talking about them can help sort stuff out in your min, as well as generate helpful feedback from others. (Ya never know.)