Maggie's Musings



Sitting with Rashy and Nibski tonight in the coffee shop - this put us in stitches! It's today's YourHoroscope from The Province by Georgia Nicols. Holy crap it's funny. (however, I find the frequent parenthesized comments annoying...)

Scorpio (Nibski)
You're a hot and sexy sign, and this month your hot and sexy past is back to haunt you! A lot of stuff that used to be below the radar is right up there with on the big screen! (Ooops. Busted!) People you forgot about are suddenly calling or bumping into you. (Don't you wish you had been a bit more discriminating?) Ah, the travils and embarrassments of recreational sex. (I know whereof I speak.) Creative projects are also stalled in the water. ("Dear Lord, help me make this dealin.") Parents might even reconnect with lost children. "Mom, is that you? You've changed since I was a baby." Time to pay old gambling detbs. It's all a bit much. (You can run but you can't hide.)

This one wasn't as funny - but it was still okay.
Taurus (Rashy and I)
... Conservative Taurus wear[s] purple in their old age. You eventually become a flamboyant Leo! (Yes, the great sex never stops and your romantic soul lives forever.) Kinda nice, eh? Friends from the past are definately back in your life. Someone might owe you money - this could be your moment to collect. It's a good thing to talk to others about your dreams and hopes for the future. Do an overall assessment of your long-range plans. Talking about them can help sort stuff out in your min, as well as generate helpful feedback from others. (Ya never know.)


Is Amanda there?

Amanda Hugginkiss? I'm looking for Amanda Hugginkiss.

Okay so it was worse than that. It was Mike Rotch. There I was, standing a the microphone in front of my students and their parents and my staff and my family and friends saying 'my crotch' repeatedly. Yup. Only me. These things can only happen to me and Moe. If I find that the person who put that in there I will punch them...lightly in the arm of course because it's likely a parent of one of my students. Thankfully only a few people caught onto what I was saying. Of course the first were my 'friends' (Nibski, Likalia et al) who didn't congratulate me on a good performance when then saw me but instead ran up and mimicked me! Bastards! I slapped them all! These things aren't suppose to happen in real life and if they are, they're not suppose to happen to me! Rashy got 2 phone calls that evening. She wasn't there but is loving retelling the story in more splendor each time there is a fresh set of ears around. *sigh* It will never die now. We're still harassing Rashy about an incident she had 3 years ago. She's ecstatic that someone else has a mortifying story so her's will be old news for a while.

Did some pants hemming for Nibski this morning. Mom has now named him Ivan. Ivan Inchkonoff. That's Russian... not Jewish.

add another 5 to the total I want to shed

A week ago today at this time, I was stuffing my face. That was just the beginning of the ultimate weekend of gluttony brought to you by Nibski, Rashy and Maggie. We had apparently decided a few weeks ago about taking a trip to the edge of the world but I had forgotten, with all the other crap on my mind about work and such it really wasn't forefront in my thoughts. On the Thursday I was reminded so Friday night Nibski booked the hotel and on Saturday morning we were off.

And the eating began before we even hit the highway. We made it to Starbucks. Rashy had a weird oatbar thingy and Chai, Nibski made some phone calls and had a latte, and I had the usual sugar free hazelnut mocha and discovered Low Fat Fruit Bars. I've since returned and had another. (the shame)

Then off to eat some more at the 5th Street place. Had a tasty pizza. We checked into the hotel and walked all over town. Did the museum (was cool to see the Linda McCartney exhibit), found Nibski's Mecca and returned to the comfort of the hotel. I walked into the room, took off the belt and unzipped the jeans and collapsed on the bed. I couldn't move I was so full. Eventually there was the hot tub time... Yay! It was about 8pm when we were semi hungry again and off to the Siam we went. Man, do I love that place! Then back to the hotel to collapse.

Visited with Rashy's folks, ate more food then drove home. Was a most excellent time.

Johari Thingy

I saw this on Tweek's site so I figured - what the hell - I might as well do it too. It's like a "how well do you know me/how do I see me" thing that's kinda cool, kills some time and is something to do on a snowy afternoon.

I picked some words, now you pick some words. Unfortunately they don't have any negative words but I suppose that is a good thing. It's easy to say bad things about yourself so I actually had to thing of some semi-okay things about me and then find the most quasi-negatives in the list. You'll see what I mean.

Heeyar 'tis: tell me about me


The only light I see is black

If there is a light at the end of the tunnel - I can't see it at the moment. Maybe I'm just walking totally blind and it's actually right in front of me but I doubt that. As I said a while ago, at the beginning of the weeks of torture, these have been weeks of torture and I'm in the thick of it now.

We have a concert tomorrow night and we're not ready... well - one group isn't ready and it's because of two people. Two very loud, obnoxious people who have yet to understand that they are not the funniest people on earth, that they are not able to play their parts without practice, that their behaviour is not appreciated by others and that they are not on making any friends because of all of the above. I really can't believe that people can be so rude. So incredibly rude. It really gets me when I'm sluffed off as being a nuisance or have eyes rolled at me when I'm trying to give advice on how to do something - Hello! You are here to learn not piss around!

On the opposite end of the spectrum I had a message on my machine from another player who was calling to reassure me that they would indeed be at the concert but are currently too sick to move to get to rehearsal. Now that I respect. The foresight to let the director know that they will still be there because they are the only one on their part and know that without them, we just wouldn't be able to perform. That's awesome! I suppose it's those moments I have to hold onto because I can find the other type at every turn.

As long as I make it to Friday... I think I can then prepare myself for the hell of the next two weeks over the weekend and create a plan of attack (or survival).


Last Call... twice

We made a valiant effort to drink all 55 martinis on the menu last night but were halted by a premature 'last call' from the waitress. We're pretty sure they just didn't want to continue making a bunch of different martinis since a group of people came in after we were told last call and ordered and were served. We so could have had another round.

There were some pretty nasty drinks... and I mean nas-tee. One called a Dirty Martini really should have been called Dirty Sweat Sock Martini. When combined with some horrid jalapeño martini it was almost tolerable - in small sips. But that came back to bite in about 20 minutes later. There were a couple of us that had the misfortune of ordering pure alcohol 2 or 3 times in a row but luckily we had enough people that there was usually someone willing to trade. thankss Nibski!)

We paid and left for the next pub and closed it down as well after muchraucouss laughter. The beauty of mine friends is that there isn't a single one of us that doesn't get royally ribbed in an evening. We're all bullies and we're all the victims. It's a great system. We gang up on one, make them feel like an moron then we rotate through the group until we've all had a turn. Fabulous.

It's even more fun when the stupidity continues once you've left the building. Ah - the beauty of a cell phone. Rashy had 4 messages on her machine when she got home - all from our vehicle. Somehow - I had one too - from me.. part of what I had left for her.... only weirder.... mmmmmm... I'll have to look into that further. Something about the car being haaaaaaaaaaawt..... :S


Age of Empires III

I just spent the past 137.23 minutes playing Age of Empires III and I won! YAY ME! I know... it's a sad day when things like this excite me but whatever. It's amazing how long you can sit infront of the computer screen and not even realize the time is passes. Every once in a while you get up and stretch, get water, get a cookie (or a shot glass full of chocolate chips) and then you return to the game as if there is nothing in the world strange about staring at a monitor that's depicting an era LONG GONE when covered wagons on your trade route were an improvement from your current state of communication.

I'm mindlessly killing off peasents and collecting wood, mining, wishing I had more things to hunt but my only physical concern is the onset of 'mousehand' so I have to stop once in a while to sit on my hand to warm it up. A far cry from the life I'm playing out on the screen. I find my thoughts going to things like "I can't sent a woman peasent to hunt or chop wood. She should be a home or picking berries." Hello!? But I'm trying to stay as true as possible to the facts of the time period but whatever. The woman go and kill things and chop wood and mine today so whatever.

Now to try and drink all 55 martini's on the menu at the pub tonight. I think it's a worthy challenge - not quite on par with Age of Empires but it'll have to do.


At least this is Friday

Alright... I'll be honest from the start - I'm tired and therefore the likelihood of this entry being anything but 'meh' is slim. Just soes you're warned.

Today is Friday. Thank God. I think this could be dubbed insanity week 1 of 5 so just prepare yourself. I'm getting ready to take my 'darlings' on various school trips, mark essays, create and administer unit exams, host a dinner and music night for a fundraiser all while continuing to actually stay in contact with various friends in the hope that they will understand when I can't be everywhere at once - although I do try, albeit unsuccessfully.

I had my first irate parent phone call today. Gotta love having to literally hold the phone aware from your ear while the person rants on the other end. Pleasant. At least I can take solace in the fact that she's apparently done this to many others.

Here's a question or two for the masses (okay - the maybe 4 of you that read this) - why is it not okay to like your bosses? Does it always have to be an Us against Them thing? It's hard to play both sides. I'm not enjoying it very much at all so I'm just keeping my wits about me and looking out for myself but still trying to keep things cordial with others... which is stressful at times.

I was badgered (although not badgerbadgered) after rehearsal on Tuesday. The innocence of being friends with Nibski is not so innocent in the eyes of those around us. Concerning although intriguing at the same time. The jokes have been flying for almost a year now but they are becoming more frequent. I suppose we should stop giving them ammunition... naaaaa


Beer before Yoga = Good Thing

Last week, Yoga sucked. It was horrible. I felt like crap - couldn't do anything and even cried at one point because I was so angry at myself for not being able to do things I'd been doing so well for so long. I blamed it on a lot of stuff; the work day, the music that was being played that was busy, the crazy loud chanter chick beside me.. but I'm sure ultimately it was because of one thing - an obvious lack of beer.

This week, there was an unexpected beer drinking occation prior to practice. All paid for and including a meal from an out of town friend who just appeared at work as he sometimes does. We met with some other friends and had a grand time... with much beer and laughter.

Apparently it worked for me. It was one of the best yoga nights ever. I was laughing through the parts where my legs were wobbling so much I could barely stand and I didn't really take notice of the freaky X-file-esque Snake Eyed woman beside me (more on her another day). It was all good. Cute guy #2 was there, on the other side and we briefly spoke at the end and all was happy in yoga land.

My conclusion - beer is good. This the Astanga practice should include pre-session arm bending practices at the local pub all the time.


Tagged - grrr

I got tagged today. To me it's yet another version of a stupid chain email only this time for all to see. I hate those things.

THE RULES: List five songs that you are currently loving. It doesn’t matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the songs in your blog, then ‘tag’ five other bloggers/friends to see what they’re listening to. (this is the part I'm not going to do - if you want to tag yourself - be my guest).

  1. The Wreckoning - Boomkat
  2. What You Waiting For? - Gwen Stefani
  3. Don't Panic - Coldplay
  4. Hurts to Love You - Philosopher Kings
  5. Everything You've Done Wrong - Sloan

Anal Gym People

I decided to go to the gym at the rec centre for the first time in years, literally.There was hardly anyone in the place and they've added a few more cardio machines to the point that some seem to be sitting touching eachother but whatever.

There is a sign-up board that people use to indicate they're in line for the use of one of the cardio machines. Most gyms have this and everyone uses them when the gym in really busy out of courtesy and selfishness (I want that machine!). I didn't sign up because I was the only one on the machines and there were maybe - maybe 10 people in the whole gym and there was a dublicate machine right beside me so I figured - no need to sign up. I also figured no need to observe the 20 minute rule b/c of the same reason. I did 2 sets of 15.

Apparently - I was wrong to NOT sign up.
I was Told.

"There is a sign up on the wall," were the first words out of her pursed little mouth. Not "Hi there" or "Excuse me."


"There is a sign up board for the machines. You're suppose to sign up to indicate how long you will be using them."

"Yes, I know." Pause. Think before speaking. "I thought that they only needed to be used when the gym was really busy?"

"No. You need to use them all the time. You never know when people will arrive and they want to know how long you'll be on the machines." She says as she climbs onto the machine beside me - the one that doesn't squeak.

I grind my teeth and think nasty mean things.

"Okay," I say in a tone that anyone who knows me knows that when that tone is used, you say nothing more unless you want to risk the wrath that will follow. This woman didn't know.

"People could come in at any point. Just so you know for the future."

So here's the choice - say what I was thinking and start an all out fight with this lady or huff in my head and complain to anyone who will listen later. I chose the latter but the whole time was on the machine I was conscious of her stride pace and I made sure i wasn't in snyc with her. I was not happy. I was petty. Sure. But she was not nice!

When I left I spoke to the woman at the desk downstairs and asked her about the rule. She said that she didn't know it existed either but that the clients told her about it. I mentioned that maybe signs should be posted about it b/c if I hadn't been use to the gym or as thick skinned as I am - this woman's tone and attitude would have prevented me from ever returning.

The only good thing about the incident - I forgot that my legs were getting sore and just powered through my last 12 minutes.