At least this is Friday
Today is Friday. Thank God. I think this could be dubbed insanity week 1 of 5 so just prepare yourself. I'm getting ready to take my 'darlings' on various school trips, mark essays, create and administer unit exams, host a dinner and music night for a fundraiser all while continuing to actually stay in contact with various friends in the hope that they will understand when I can't be everywhere at once - although I do try, albeit unsuccessfully.
I had my first irate parent phone call today. Gotta love having to literally hold the phone aware from your ear while the person rants on the other end. Pleasant. At least I can take solace in the fact that she's apparently done this to many others.
Here's a question or two for the masses (okay - the maybe 4 of you that read this) - why is it not okay to like your bosses? Does it always have to be an Us against Them thing? It's hard to play both sides. I'm not enjoying it very much at all so I'm just keeping my wits about me and looking out for myself but still trying to keep things cordial with others... which is stressful at times.
I was badgered (although not badgerbadgered) after rehearsal on Tuesday. The innocence of being friends with Nibski is not so innocent in the eyes of those around us. Concerning although intriguing at the same time. The jokes have been flying for almost a year now but they are becoming more frequent. I suppose we should stop giving them ammunition... naaaaa
I like my boss, but then again as he is my Step-Father, I suppose I can't really dislike him. Though I think he is a good boss, and in my opinion if someone is a good boss it is ok to like them. None of that us vs them crap! Though they probably get the same flack for liking you, just as you get flack for liking them.
Now this Nibski thing? Are you trying to tell me you AREN'T having an affair? Because I'll never believe you! You guys are SO doing it! (Whatever 'it' is!) ;)
Likalia, at 10/2/06 9:31 p.m.
Yeah, I've never understood the US against THEM thing...mind you I've always liked my "real" boss (yeah, Tina didn't count as far as I'm concerned) mind you then the real boss pulled that tshirt thing and therefore the us against them started but then there was good reason for it. I think you should like your boss if your boss is like-worthy. why make life more difficult than it already is?
Indigo Eve, at 10/2/06 9:45 p.m.
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!
I don't hate my boss. Sometimes I get a little frustrated when he's not that interested in my ideas about new things we should be trying, but I think this is more the fault of the institution. I just need to work on this stuff in secret and sneak it into production I guess.
Ryan Steele, at 11/2/06 10:45 a.m.
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