Maggie's Musings


Everywhere daddy, daddy .. HAIR

Waiting in a line up at the store today, I noticed something disturbing about the clerk as he waited for the computer to come back online: the stubble on his chest. I don't really care about chest hair (well.. if you're a mammoth I'll mind) but either you leave it, wax it totally, or if you decide to be a shaver - at least be a regular user of the blade or do up the top 3 buttons on your shirt!

Regular chest hair is not bristle like and exactly the same length as your 1 cm chin stubble... I mean, come on! I'm not saying you have to be a complete metro-sexual but there are general rules of grooming that should be followed by everyone. Both sexes have many options of hair removal or even to not remove. Wax, shave, pluck, trim, laser... you name it. There are some men (well... come on... most) that demand (subtly or not) that woman be well groomed in all aspects of their apprearance.

Psst - guys... got a secret for you... we demand it too!


Small town, Small circles, Small minds

Trivia night with the "friends" and some actual friends, and my whole family.
One of the first things said "So, I heard something happened after we left last night? Something about someone singing a solo? Why didn't you do that when we were there?"

I couldn't answer that because I had to play team trivia with these people for the next 3 hours so I needed to be civil and I just plain couldn't think of anything to say. What do you say to that given the events of the previous night? I was dumbfounded.

I think they're getting ticked b/c I'm not uber over the moon to see/hang out with them. I'm not really trying to do this but I'm a bitch and therefore kinda am at the same time. I didn't really make and effort to say goodbye tonight b/c if I did, I'd be questioned as to why I'm not going out. My reason, if asked, would have been legit: I have to be up and across town decorating a float for the Santa Claus Parade by 8 a.m. but still... that wasn't the full reason. If I truly wanted to be with these people, I'd have stayed out - no matter what hellish time I had to be up on a Saturday. Truth be told, I don't do aloof well but the moment I get off the aloof train, the firing squad will begin: why did you leave so fast, why didn't you call us, what's going on, are you alright, are you just really busy? blah blah blah.

As always, I will go back to them but I'm currently having what is turning into the mandatory "2 month saturation" point that needs the "1-2 week cool off period." Week one is almost completed. I don't have to do everything with these people and I don't see why I should have to justify myself when I don't. On the flip side, I get a tad put out when I'm not invited or including in things that they do (obviously) but if they're entitled to some space, so am I.


How to be a bitch and a diva in one night without really trying

1. guarentee you have 'friends' that don't call you to say they're going out to a performance you had said earlier you should all go to
2. text friends and have no reply to the question about going out that night
3. go out anyway b/c why not? You know there are going to be other people there you can hang with and you should go and be supportive of the performers
4. sit with the people you see as you first come in the door who aren't the 'friends' (bonus marks if that is at the front of the room right by the stage)
5. have a great time with those people and enjoy the show and the new company
6. get a beer from the bar, talk to other people while in line and don't look around the room b/c you think you may have seen the 'friends'
7. go back to your chair, drink, laugh
8. discover you have a text from the 'friends' saying "Fine! Don't sit with us!!"
9. reply (very delayed of course) with "I didn't know you were here or even going to be here :-P"
10. get response that says "Still doesn't change the fact that you're over there and you haven't even come over to say 'hi'"
11. ignore text and keep having a good time all the while thinking "mmm... so if you were here and saw me come in, and didn't tell you were going to be here, how is that MY job to come over and say hello?"
12. drink
13. watch 'friends' leave but don't make any eye contact
14. drink
15. get suckered into singing a solo at the club in a key that is much to high while one of your students sits in the audience and her father is in the band backing you up
16. sing poorly
17. get fake praise and yet think to yourself "I'm glad the 'friends' weren't here but HA! too bad they weren't"
18. make new friends or ditch the some of the old ones (this step is still in the beginning stages)


Southpark Character

I saw Tweek's Southpark Character today so I figured I'd play as well... what would be fun is making other people's characters instead of your own. Could be cruel as well but hey, whatever - this is Southpark!


Does Ambition = Bitch?

Why does ambition equate with positive traits for men and negative for women? I know the notion isn't new but for whatever reason I was thinking about this today. I wonder if I'm holding myself back from being a truly 'great' person because I'm afraid of the stigma attached to power? I'm not saying that I'm not a 'great' person already, I mean 'great' in the powerful sense. Power-hungry is such a horrible term in the first place but it just seems worse when you're talking about a female.

I've watched women I know become exceedingly powerful and achieve amazing things while at the same time having people verbally cut them down at every opportunity. In the same breath, the man who does the same things as the woman is labelled a fantastic leader. Funny that...

I'm reading a book about leadership and aspiring to excel at your career. It's a good book. Two months ago I never would have given it a second glance in the library let alone buy the thing. But recently I've been thinking about how far I could actually go "up the ladder" if I actually focused on that (doesn't mean I necessarily want to.. but it's a thought).

Is being driven bad? I don't think so, but the qualities that come along with being driven are generally viewed as negative and most certainly unfeminine. I'd like to think I'm not egotistical but I know what I can and cannot do and will admit both - usually. ;-) Does that make me threatening? Likely. Maybe that's why women in power only have a few close friends - those friends that know they really aren't bitches but also know how to tell you shut up when needed.


Everything's a little slow

I feel like I'm walking through pea soap with pants made out of soda crackers that are sucking up all the moisture.

Today was a tired day but the day actually started at 2 pm yesterday and lasted until 3:10 pm today.

Last night was the beginning band concert - it was standing room only, we made a nice chunk of cash at the door and best of all, the kiddies had a fabulous time and did a really great job! Thanks to Likalia for helping out with the photos.

I stupidly didn't ask for decaf coffee when we went out and so I was awake until 1:30 am tossing and turning and trying not to think about the potential branches that could be dropped on my car by the insane wind storm. Then it was performance time again for the Remembrance Day assembly. Again, the kiddies did well but they are getting worn out. We're suppose to perform again next week but too bad - enough is enough. At 2:50, (20 minutes to go until the end of class) I gave in to my sleep needs and those of the kids. We were all bagged. I gave them cookies. They ate therefore they couldn't talk which was good for the head ache I felt coming on.
Gym class tonight - didn't know it started at 6 pm so I arrived for 6:30... oh well... I'm a little slow today - hence the terribly pathetic blog. Meh... what do I care? I've been ready for bed since yesterday afternoon.


De-stressing is Stressful

Why is the goal of the holiday the complete opposite of the planning of the holiday? Why do we stress so much about being able to de-stress? I think I know the answer. In the process of planning, you want to make everyone feel that they're needs are being met and that the travel plans you make are actual those which people will enjoy because if you don't succeed in doing that - no one will be happy and the ultimate goal of making people happier will back fire in your face.

People suck. I was told tonight that people were walking on egg shells around me but then that was quickly changed to "but we don't really have to do that with you..." which leads me to wonder, what exactly did that mean? Am I that big a whiner? Am I
really as high maintenance as they say?

I wanted to go somewhere for the winter that was warm and fun and at the time of me saying that, I actually had some cash. That's not the case right now, could change but I'm doubting it. I'm the one stressing about this because I was the one that wanted to do something and now I'm the one that may not be able to follow through on the plans. If the past is any indication of future events (which it is!) then the inevitable outcome of me 'backing out' will be ridicule of the most 'good humored nature' *cough* which I really don't want.

This boils down to the fact that I need to have friends in the same income bracket. Technically, we are... but in reality, they get more hours and their income tends to be more disposable. Being 27 is stupid.