Does Ambition = Bitch?
Why does ambition equate with positive traits for men and negative for women? I know the notion isn't new but for whatever reason I was thinking about this today. I wonder if I'm holding myself back from being a truly 'great' person because I'm afraid of the stigma attached to power? I'm not saying that I'm not a 'great' person already, I mean 'great' in the powerful sense. Power-hungry is such a horrible term in the first place but it just seems worse when you're talking about a female.
I've watched women I know become exceedingly powerful and achieve amazing things while at the same time having people verbally cut them down at every opportunity. In the same breath, the man who does the same things as the woman is labelled a fantastic leader. Funny that...
I'm reading a book about leadership and aspiring to excel at your career. It's a good book. Two months ago I never would have given it a second glance in the library let alone buy the thing. But recently I've been thinking about how far I could actually go "up the ladder" if I actually focused on that (doesn't mean I necessarily want to.. but it's a thought).
Is being driven bad? I don't think so, but the qualities that come along with being driven are generally viewed as negative and most certainly unfeminine. I'd like to think I'm not egotistical but I know what I can and cannot do and will admit both - usually. ;-) Does that make me threatening? Likely. Maybe that's why women in power only have a few close friends - those friends that know they really aren't bitches but also know how to tell you shut up when needed.
I've watched women I know become exceedingly powerful and achieve amazing things while at the same time having people verbally cut them down at every opportunity. In the same breath, the man who does the same things as the woman is labelled a fantastic leader. Funny that...
I'm reading a book about leadership and aspiring to excel at your career. It's a good book. Two months ago I never would have given it a second glance in the library let alone buy the thing. But recently I've been thinking about how far I could actually go "up the ladder" if I actually focused on that (doesn't mean I necessarily want to.. but it's a thought).
Is being driven bad? I don't think so, but the qualities that come along with being driven are generally viewed as negative and most certainly unfeminine. I'd like to think I'm not egotistical but I know what I can and cannot do and will admit both - usually. ;-) Does that make me threatening? Likely. Maybe that's why women in power only have a few close friends - those friends that know they really aren't bitches but also know how to tell you shut up when needed.
You it is interesting that you are talking about this, the current book I am reading Da Vinci Code, talks a great deal about how the Church degraded women from being the most powerful and reveered creatures into the creators of original sin and peopl to be punished, all through propaganda.
It struck me that even in todays society there is a shockingly high amount of the same thing happening. Women always seem to think that they aren't worth as much as their counterparts, or if they do think they are worth it, like you say they are somehow made to feel like bitches.
Makes for rather a sad state of affairs. I say embrace whatever it is you want and make no appologies for wanting it. If people are unable to accept it that is their problem not yours. If the world treats you with unacceptance, treat the world with unacceptance. If not you looking out for you, then who? Right? The ideal being to do so with the upmost civility and kindness, so no one can call you a bitch.
Ok I think I ranted on a bit too much there and maybe even lost my point, maybe?
Moral - Embrace yourself because you are what you make yourself and you are beautiful. :)
Anonymous, at 12/11/06 11:31 p.m.
Okay, another case of Likalia saying exactly what I was thinking. :( But to put my own spin on it. Being driven, to me, regardless of man or woman, it's about how you conduct yourself.
However because of the past and society being male dominant, women had to be "bitches" to get ahead. They had to be more direct,more blunt, and for lack of a better word cut-throat to get past and the crap and obstacles put infront of them by men. (which Likalia also touched on) So anyway, coming full circle here. I agree with Likalia, do what you feel you have to, but be true to yourself and look out for yourself. :)
spankosaur, at 13/11/06 4:31 p.m.
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