Maggie's Musings


De-stressing is Stressful

Why is the goal of the holiday the complete opposite of the planning of the holiday? Why do we stress so much about being able to de-stress? I think I know the answer. In the process of planning, you want to make everyone feel that they're needs are being met and that the travel plans you make are actual those which people will enjoy because if you don't succeed in doing that - no one will be happy and the ultimate goal of making people happier will back fire in your face.

People suck. I was told tonight that people were walking on egg shells around me but then that was quickly changed to "but we don't really have to do that with you..." which leads me to wonder, what exactly did that mean? Am I that big a whiner? Am I
really as high maintenance as they say?

I wanted to go somewhere for the winter that was warm and fun and at the time of me saying that, I actually had some cash. That's not the case right now, could change but I'm doubting it. I'm the one stressing about this because I was the one that wanted to do something and now I'm the one that may not be able to follow through on the plans. If the past is any indication of future events (which it is!) then the inevitable outcome of me 'backing out' will be ridicule of the most 'good humored nature' *cough* which I really don't want.

This boils down to the fact that I need to have friends in the same income bracket. Technically, we are... but in reality, they get more hours and their income tends to be more disposable. Being 27 is stupid.


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