Small town, Small circles, Small minds
Trivia night with the "friends" and some actual friends, and my whole family.
One of the first things said "So, I heard something happened after we left last night? Something about someone singing a solo? Why didn't you do that when we were there?"
I couldn't answer that because I had to play team trivia with these people for the next 3 hours so I needed to be civil and I just plain couldn't think of anything to say. What do you say to that given the events of the previous night? I was dumbfounded.
I think they're getting ticked b/c I'm not uber over the moon to see/hang out with them. I'm not really trying to do this but I'm a bitch and therefore kinda am at the same time. I didn't really make and effort to say goodbye tonight b/c if I did, I'd be questioned as to why I'm not going out. My reason, if asked, would have been legit: I have to be up and across town decorating a float for the Santa Claus Parade by 8 a.m. but still... that wasn't the full reason. If I truly wanted to be with these people, I'd have stayed out - no matter what hellish time I had to be up on a Saturday. Truth be told, I don't do aloof well but the moment I get off the aloof train, the firing squad will begin: why did you leave so fast, why didn't you call us, what's going on, are you alright, are you just really busy? blah blah blah.
As always, I will go back to them but I'm currently having what is turning into the mandatory "2 month saturation" point that needs the "1-2 week cool off period." Week one is almost completed. I don't have to do everything with these people and I don't see why I should have to justify myself when I don't. On the flip side, I get a tad put out when I'm not invited or including in things that they do (obviously) but if they're entitled to some space, so am I.
No Space For You!
*said in voice of the SoupNazi*
Anonymous, at 25/11/06 7:14 p.m.
Everyone needs a little space from time to time, and real friends understand that :) I can sympathize luv, with the previous crowd I was hanging around with earlier this year before I moved, well, small town, small circles, small minds ;)
Anonymous, at 27/11/06 9:12 p.m.
And then there is the point that I can't say no and don't know when to not hang out with them... i'm my own worst enemy. I need help.
Maggie, at 30/11/06 7:34 p.m.
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