I saw Tweek's Southpark Character today so I figured I'd play as well... what would be fun is making other people's characters instead of your own. Could be cruel as well but hey, whatever - this is Southpark!
I don't think she is - but I think she is keeping her options open as long as possible. In times like these it is hard to meet a nice person why cut her chances in half? Hmm??
Ryan Steele, at 18/11/06 3:08 p.m.
Awww...You came out cuter than me - I'm not sure how I came out.
Anonymous, at 18/11/06 10:40 p.m.
*makes sexy growling noise* My Southpark character would totally play truth or dare with you.
Anonymous, at 22/11/06 7:30 p.m.
I'm a little disturbed that 2 of you used 'cute' as a descriptor of my southpark character. You know my feeling about that word.
Likalia are you saying your southpark character is a lesbian?
And truth or dare, eh Spankosaur? I showed you mine already, let's see yours... Southpark character, that is of course...
Maggie, at 24/11/06 11:50 p.m.
I don't think she is - but I think she is keeping her options open as long as possible. In times like these it is hard to meet a nice person why cut her chances in half? Hmm??
Anonymous, at 27/11/06 9:23 a.m.
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