Everywhere daddy, daddy .. HAIR
Waiting in a line up at the store today, I noticed something disturbing about the clerk as he waited for the computer to come back online: the stubble on his chest. I don't really care about chest hair (well.. if you're a mammoth I'll mind) but either you leave it, wax it totally, or if you decide to be a shaver - at least be a regular user of the blade or do up the top 3 buttons on your shirt!
Regular chest hair is not bristle like and exactly the same length as your 1 cm chin stubble... I mean, come on! I'm not saying you have to be a complete metro-sexual but there are general rules of grooming that should be followed by everyone. Both sexes have many options of hair removal or even to not remove. Wax, shave, pluck, trim, laser... you name it. There are some men (well... come on... most) that demand (subtly or not) that woman be well groomed in all aspects of their apprearance.
Psst - guys... got a secret for you... we demand it too!
Regular chest hair is not bristle like and exactly the same length as your 1 cm chin stubble... I mean, come on! I'm not saying you have to be a complete metro-sexual but there are general rules of grooming that should be followed by everyone. Both sexes have many options of hair removal or even to not remove. Wax, shave, pluck, trim, laser... you name it. There are some men (well... come on... most) that demand (subtly or not) that woman be well groomed in all aspects of their apprearance.
Psst - guys... got a secret for you... we demand it too!
Well, I must be in that small percentile that feel the way most women do. If I think the lady grooms all that stuff, I should too. It's just common courtesy in my book. :) of course I'm of a rare stock ;)
Anonymous, at 1/12/06 3:44 p.m.
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