Stupid Wasted Day
Time is precious to me - as it is to us all - and I'm sure you can understand the frustration of having a perfectly good day ruined by something stupid. This something stupid was an all day band day, which under normal circumstances I would have been happy to partake in but this was just plain dumb. Our local band had invited a band from across the pond to come over and put on a combined concert which was suppose to be pretty cool but it isn't really that cool when the audience is about a quarter of the size of the band. It's especially a pain in the ass when key members are not there - say, those that had been instrumental (no pun intended) in organizing the whole thing and coincidentally were suppose to the advertising that turned out to suck a lot! It was pretty horrid. The president of the band wanted us to be there at 9:45 am... we weren't rehearsing until 11:30 so we weren't sure why this was her plan. Thankfully the director chimed in and asked why so early? We didn't have to be there until 10:45 to set up and even at that we sat around for about 45 minutes before we actually began to rehearse! We didn't get out of there until 6:00! ACK!Only good thing - I met up with someone I'd met this summer. We never thought we were going to see each other again so that was pretty cool. We were in summer classes together but he wasn't in the Master's program, he was just there in the class. We got to hang out and catch up so that was pretty sweet. Awesome trombonist and a tonne of fun! I'll see him again when we take out band to their town. That will be nice!There is a large number of us - I suppose you could call us the music snobs of the band - who are getting really bored with what we're playing, or not playing as the case may be. We've had the same music for way too long and it's just not getting better. *sigh* I'll have to make a decision about that next year - to continue or not. Right now it's mostly the social aspect that keeps us going. Lord knows it's not a challenge anymore, except on my patience.
Hissy is here!

Pictures of my new Car Hissy and my Cat Tessie. YAY! New Car!
Hissy Fit!
I got my NEW CAR on Thursday! Black Sport Honda Fit with a whooping 11 km on it.. now that's 100 km but whatever.. I HAVE A NEW CAR!!! It's so cute and shiny - like a little black bug. I love it!I flew yesterday! It was cool! In the play I'm in the pit for there is a point where a guy is tossed off a building and he has a harness and 'flys' so they wanted to fly me and I wanted to fly too so we did it yesterday between the matinee and evening performance. SO FUN! I wasn't expecting to fly at one point and just kinda got pulled off the ground - which was funny for everyone watching but not for me so much. I'm slightly sore today but that could be from the 4 hours of playing as well. It's a lot of work. I'm totally spent after a show.Nibski Faux Pas Alert: we were out at the choral director's house after Friday's show, drinking as usual. As it always happens at parties, people split into groups and generally into the same groups of people they always are with - no surprises here. Nibski, Rashy, pit director, choreographer, choral director and I were in a group at the kitchen table talking about stupid things when out of the blue Rashy points and the choreographer and said how he isn't wrinkly but I am! The whole table went silent. I was in shock. I couldn't say anything! Nibski, of course, is laughing his ass off but everyone else is telling him how incredibly stupid that was to say. THEN later on he says something about how I have saggy breasts! (we had been talking about Oprah and bra sizing and people had been trying to throw things down my shirt and Rashy's shirt but whatever... ) You just DON'T say that to a woman - not like it's true anyway but OMIGOD! He tried to cover it by blaming someone else then saying that he was still thinking about the food and breast combination (an hor d'oeuvre had gone down my shirt :S) but it still is NOT acceptable! Arrrgh! Yesterday, when we pulled up to the theatre the choreographer was stunned to see us together and asked "You two are actually speaking?" You had to witness the horror on people's faces to get the full understanding of the moment. Nibski is usually quite good but he has an evil, shit-disturber part to him that comes out especially after having some scotch.
I'm going to have a Fit
It's decided: a Fit it will be. A Honda Fit. Originally, I had been hell bent on getting a blue one. Then I saw the blue, even test drove the blue b/c that was the one they had to test drive, and checked it out again tonight with Likalia and have since changed my mind.I think I'd pretty much already decided that I would be going for the black since to get a blue one in a manual and the Sport model, there was a chance I'd have to wait up to three months. NOT COOL! There is a black sport manual arriving at the dealership by the end of this month. I think I'm just going to have to go for that. Resale value will be better with a black car and chances are I'm going to drive this thing until it totally dies and since it's a Honda, that's going to be a while - I hope! Sure Black is harder to see but doesn't almost everyone have daytime running lights now a days and I always turn my lights on so if people don't see me they're blind. Plus, I was totally turned off by the potential wait time for a blue and that blue was ... well... 'vivid'.
Recovering... slowly
Back to work today. Yippee. I actually took another day off so I had a 4 day weekend and now a 4 day week which isn't that bad. An added bonus on that is the fact that next Friday is Good Friday (4 day week) and that the following Monday is Easter Monday (another 4 day week). That's all good.
Settled with the insurance people yesterday. The money I thought I was getting was 'less the deductible' (doh!) but my rental car reimbursement came out to $20 less than the deductible to I was only $20 out in the end. I should have rented that rental car for longer and I would have made some money! LEARN THAT LESSON EVERYONE! So booo to that. Oh well. Now I wait for the test drive which will happen this week.
I came home to a message from the Honda guy saying that the Fits are in so I can make an appointment to see one. It's like a blind date. All the build up and hype, you do the background research as much as possible but knowing that the information you're getting from your supposedly reliable sources are nothing compared to what your opinion is going to be so you just have to wait to make your own judgment. I'll fill you in once I've driven it.