IPMS (Insanity Prevention for Masters Students)
Tonight we had an IPMS party at Doc's house. I love Doc. He's been here - he knows what we're doing and how hellish it is at this point. So we got an invitation to his house complete with picture of Trogdor and Strongbad! Love it! Almost everyone was there and those that weren't - good. I don't like them anyway! I can say that b/c they don't know the difference between a computer and their own ass so I'm thinking the chances that they'll find this are fairly slim.
I think my body is shutting down. In fact, I'm almost convinced. And if it were me I was abusing - I'd shut down too... wait.. it is me that I'm abusing.... interesting. I don't consider myself to be my body - does anyone else do that? Detach themselves like that - as if they were not their body but it were just a housing device in which you live? Weird.
Anyway.. I had eczema like... um... 6-7 years ago? and now it's back... and not going away. And it's killing me. Apparently it goes in cycles of sorts and now it's decided to return and NOT LEAVE so i'm thrilled. I've also been getting no sleep. Thursday night - more accurately Friday morning - I got 2.5 hours then did my presentation and handed in a paper (got an A- for pulling that one outta my ass). Then we worked all weekend! Seriously - ALL WEEKEND! There was no break except dinner. That was it! Sunday - or Monday morning - I got to bed at 4:30 and was up at 7:10ish and didn't get to bed until 1 am. I think that's kinda unhealthy but what do I know? I've never been one to fall asleep at my desk but I have almost done that last night and then again tonight.
That may be a sign to turn off the computer and get some sleep and say "Screw it!" to all the other stuff I need to do for tomorrow.
"Hey stuff - SCREW YOU!"
I think my body is shutting down. In fact, I'm almost convinced. And if it were me I was abusing - I'd shut down too... wait.. it is me that I'm abusing.... interesting. I don't consider myself to be my body - does anyone else do that? Detach themselves like that - as if they were not their body but it were just a housing device in which you live? Weird.
Anyway.. I had eczema like... um... 6-7 years ago? and now it's back... and not going away. And it's killing me. Apparently it goes in cycles of sorts and now it's decided to return and NOT LEAVE so i'm thrilled. I've also been getting no sleep. Thursday night - more accurately Friday morning - I got 2.5 hours then did my presentation and handed in a paper (got an A- for pulling that one outta my ass). Then we worked all weekend! Seriously - ALL WEEKEND! There was no break except dinner. That was it! Sunday - or Monday morning - I got to bed at 4:30 and was up at 7:10ish and didn't get to bed until 1 am. I think that's kinda unhealthy but what do I know? I've never been one to fall asleep at my desk but I have almost done that last night and then again tonight.
That may be a sign to turn off the computer and get some sleep and say "Screw it!" to all the other stuff I need to do for tomorrow.
"Hey stuff - SCREW YOU!"
Ok I want to die just reading that - I mean good lord how exhausting.
Though very cool about the Trogdor/Strongbad invites!! :)
I suggest a weekend retreat and some alcohol to cure all that ails you. First you forget about everything from drinking too much, then you get much needed sleep when you pass out and finally wonderful food since it is mandatory to go out and have greasy breakfast food to appease the hangover gods. Any takers??
Likalia, at 2/8/06 11:24 a.m.
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