Necessary Evils
Apologies to those extremely few people who read this blog. I have moved - temporarily and have nothing but work to do in every waking hour. A relaxing summer it will not be, but I'm tough... so far. Predictions from a fellow classmate - people will start to break in the last week of July and I'm thinking he's correct. We have 4 assignments due that week and they're all major. The necessary evils aren't many but they are:
- sleep (takes up too much time but damn.. it feels good).
- sitting on my ass (can't really type while walking)
- drinking coffee - and here's the kicker... it's Starbucks coffee
I suppose clever has to go with justification otherwise it wouldn't be convincing, would it?
Indigo Eve, at 20/7/06 12:53 a.m.
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