School's Out For SUMMER!
Well, for the little darling's it is. Today was their last real day of classes; next week is 'make-up' week when all the little kiddies that didn't do anything all year get yet another chance to do their work in the hope that they won't fail. Personally, my kids have been given too many chances already and therefore are not doing any make up work b/c why would it really make a difference? It won't. They've already failed the term with no hope in hell of actually passing so forget it! It would be a waste of my time and theirs so I'm doing us both a favour and calling a spade a spade - or in this case, a fail a fail. I especially love how their work habits marks are put right after their grade so if they get an unsatisfactory for their work habits it goes right after their F so it actually prints off F U which everyone involved finds quite hilarious.
Went for a coffee walk with Nibski and Ballboy tonight. Didn't really want to go but I forces Nibski into going (he didn't want to go either b/c he was too drunk but whatever! that's his fault). Then I wrote out a bunch of music for him for this concert he's putting on with a kid. I know how to have a good time! Do I ever! This is my second last Friday before school starts for me and I'm doing basically nothing exciting at all. Gotta love that. Tomorrow should be better with the.. wait a minute - what I am saying? I'm working on report cards all morning! Bloody hell! I was going to say that it would be better with the kayaking in the evening with Indigo but blast and damnation I have stupid report cards to do! Well, at least I can get some satisfaction with the F U's that will be on a few reports. Simple things amuse simple (or burnt out) minds.
Went for a coffee walk with Nibski and Ballboy tonight. Didn't really want to go but I forces Nibski into going (he didn't want to go either b/c he was too drunk but whatever! that's his fault). Then I wrote out a bunch of music for him for this concert he's putting on with a kid. I know how to have a good time! Do I ever! This is my second last Friday before school starts for me and I'm doing basically nothing exciting at all. Gotta love that. Tomorrow should be better with the.. wait a minute - what I am saying? I'm working on report cards all morning! Bloody hell! I was going to say that it would be better with the kayaking in the evening with Indigo but blast and damnation I have stupid report cards to do! Well, at least I can get some satisfaction with the F U's that will be on a few reports. Simple things amuse simple (or burnt out) minds.
Wait - wait a minute! This doesn't apply to me! I work ALL summer. Dammit!
nevermind - I'll go back to work now...*walks away grumbling*
Likalia, at 26/6/06 3:34 p.m.
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