Thank you... and good bye
TGIO - Thank Goodness It's Over! Concert day was a disaster and the concert itself would have been MUCH better if we had been able to rehearse in our performance venue or actually rehearse the day of our concert period but whatever... soon there will be staffing changes and hopefully then I'll have some input but then again, I might not be there which could be a blessing as well. A parent said to me that I'll never have a class like that again, and that's sad because at this school I know it's true and that is very disheartening.
Okay - so I cried. This was the last concert I'd have with my babies - my very first beginner band students. They're moving on and it's sad. So I cried... and was mocked. And THEN - I suppose I shouldn't be bitter but I am... I was mocked even more for some typos in the program. The date was from the previous concert and something I wrote didn't come out right so it was mockable and then I was told I was too sensitive. Maybe that's true, or maybe I just know when to mock and when not to... and this was a not to moment. But some insensitive person apparently took offence to my taking offence and blah. Stupidity. I shouldn't have to worry about that shit, especially on a night like tonight and especially since my supposed friends should be a little more perceptive considering I skipped out on stuff last night due to stress but men are idiots so I rest my case.
No I don't... a few last thoughts on the matter.. I was grateful that my friends and family came out to support me... I really was. And I really appreciate those that know how to behave themselves. As Rashy was saying something about a concert she had put on and the 'helpful feedback' she received and how she didn't appreciate it at all, no one questioned her reaction but for some reason, I am fair game. I don't like that very much. Again... Unperceptive men are idiots.. and that's why they are single. Now I rest my case.
Okay - so I cried. This was the last concert I'd have with my babies - my very first beginner band students. They're moving on and it's sad. So I cried... and was mocked. And THEN - I suppose I shouldn't be bitter but I am... I was mocked even more for some typos in the program. The date was from the previous concert and something I wrote didn't come out right so it was mockable and then I was told I was too sensitive. Maybe that's true, or maybe I just know when to mock and when not to... and this was a not to moment. But some insensitive person apparently took offence to my taking offence and blah. Stupidity. I shouldn't have to worry about that shit, especially on a night like tonight and especially since my supposed friends should be a little more perceptive considering I skipped out on stuff last night due to stress but men are idiots so I rest my case.
No I don't... a few last thoughts on the matter.. I was grateful that my friends and family came out to support me... I really was. And I really appreciate those that know how to behave themselves. As Rashy was saying something about a concert she had put on and the 'helpful feedback' she received and how she didn't appreciate it at all, no one questioned her reaction but for some reason, I am fair game. I don't like that very much. Again... Unperceptive men are idiots.. and that's why they are single. Now I rest my case.
Men suck!
But your concert rocked! I love going and seeing how much they have accomplished, it is very cool. Plus I get to say - Hey that is my friend and she TOTALLY rocks! She taught them ALL of that!
:) It is very cool!
Men suck!
*ahem* Ok back to work now...
Likalia, at 5/6/06 8:47 a.m.
Eeeep, maybe I should go crawl back under my rock and stay there until it's safe
spankosaur, at 13/6/06 7:22 p.m.
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