This is a test
Part I - the background
I wrote a bunch of things down a bit ago in order to organize my thoughts. While I was writing, my initially sporadic ideas because very organized, almost - and yes, this sounds weird, almost poetic. I haven't written in a very long time and no one, other than me, has ever read my writing.
I use to write a lot. I use to write everything that happened to me and to those around me and it was in a more narrative style - like a raging teen aged rant more than anything. It's been close to 5.. maybe 8 years since I've actually written something that I have never intended anyone to read. My current writing habits are extremely academic and not at all containing any truly personal insight about a topic.
This was a totally different experience. To use a poetry term, it was free verse initially and then morphed into a dialogue or sorts that never lead to anywhere, it just was. What was also weird, was the form the writing took - I'm talking the actual 'what it looked like' on the paper. It was like lines of writing on a blank piece of paper but if you looked at it from far away, it looked like the lines of words were woven in a sort of checkerboard pattern. This just came out of necessity as I was running out of room but not things to say and I needed to keep writing. I never thought I'd say that - "needed to keep writing."
Part II - the question
Do you think that writing for the explicit intent of personal expression is as valuable as creating for an audience?
I wrote a bunch of things down a bit ago in order to organize my thoughts. While I was writing, my initially sporadic ideas because very organized, almost - and yes, this sounds weird, almost poetic. I haven't written in a very long time and no one, other than me, has ever read my writing.
I use to write a lot. I use to write everything that happened to me and to those around me and it was in a more narrative style - like a raging teen aged rant more than anything. It's been close to 5.. maybe 8 years since I've actually written something that I have never intended anyone to read. My current writing habits are extremely academic and not at all containing any truly personal insight about a topic.
This was a totally different experience. To use a poetry term, it was free verse initially and then morphed into a dialogue or sorts that never lead to anywhere, it just was. What was also weird, was the form the writing took - I'm talking the actual 'what it looked like' on the paper. It was like lines of writing on a blank piece of paper but if you looked at it from far away, it looked like the lines of words were woven in a sort of checkerboard pattern. This just came out of necessity as I was running out of room but not things to say and I needed to keep writing. I never thought I'd say that - "needed to keep writing."
Part II - the question
Do you think that writing for the explicit intent of personal expression is as valuable as creating for an audience?
Definitely! Perhaps more so.
(Wait am I allowed to answer this question, I mean as an aspiring writer I mostly write for personal expression, as usually no one reads it. Am I biased? Meh!)
Likalia, at 4/11/07 8:56 p.m.
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